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  • What should you consider when choosing an artificial Christmas tree?
    One of the main criteria for choosing an artificial Christmas tree for your home is taking into account the size. You need to imagine which room it should be in, based on the size of the room, it’s quite easy to decide on the size of the tree. A size that is too large will take up the entire area of the room, but if the size is too small, the New Year's beauty will be lost on a large surface. The next thing to consider when choosing a link is the diameter of the last tier of the tree and the density of the branches. If the height is more or less clear, then the width of the tree is somewhat more difficult. Our team helps clients with similar questions, since each type of Christmas tree has a different width depending on its size. Of course, price is an important component; our company offers a wide range of prices. Each client is offered a choice of Christmas tree depending on their price wishes.
  • How to lay out the Christmas tree correctly to get the same look as in the picture on the site?
    Our company produces artificial Christmas trees from rubber branches, PVC film, and fishing line (polymer film). They practically do not lose their shape. Of course, when the tree is stored for several years, the branches may become deformed. Add a video lesson on decomposing a Christmas tree. We offer our clients the following methods of restoring Christmas trees: 1. Steam iron at a distance, or just regular steam. You need to be careful and follow safety rules. 2. Using a hair dryer, the hair dryer should be directed towards the branches against the “growth”. 3. You can use ordinary hot water at 40 - 60 degrees, this procedure should only be done for a few seconds and be sure to let the branches dry well.
  • Can I apply snow spray on my own Christmas trees?
    The answer to this question is quite simple - YES. Of course, this procedure is not durable and will need to be repeated again next year, but how beautiful it is. New Year's stores offer to take artificial snow that has already been prepared and spray it on the branches of the Christmas tree, but you can also create snow at home. To make artificial snow, you will need: - white paraffin candles; - unscented baby powder; - different types of glitter. Leave the paraffin candles in the freezer for 30 - 40 minutes, then you need to rub them on shavings, add glitter and baby powder and everything is ready for use. The advantages of artificial snow at home are the preservation of appearance, no marks on the carpet. We also bring to your attention another popular method on social networks. For it you will need: - pack of soda; - shaving foam and various glitter. Squeeze shaving foam into a container and pour in the same amount of baking soda, mix everything well. Then more foam and more soda, mix everything well, put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for a while. Add glitter to the cooled mixture and that’s it, the artificial snow is ready for use.
  • Why are there different stands for artificial Christmas trees ?
    Our company offers two types of Christmas tree stands. Plastic and metal stands. For smaller trees and trees that are not too heavy, plastic stands are available. For heavier Christmas trees, such as cast ones, we use durable metal stands.
  • What types of Christmas trees would our company classify as premium?"
    Of course, our answer to this question is very simple. We believe that all of our artificial Christmas trees)))) If we talk about what types of Christmas trees are in the homes of our employees, then we are talking about cast Christmas trees, such as: Elite green and blue, Smereka and Smereka +, Cast Pine, Kremlin green and blue. They are closer in appearance to natural ones, pleasant to the touch, and pleasing to the eye.
  • Как правильно разбирать и хранить 🌲?
    Для того чтобы разобрать елочку вам не нужно прилагать много усилий. Просто следуйте простым рекомендациям 👇🏻 1. Сложите веточки на присоединенных частях елки. 2. Снимите верхнюю часть елки (елка от 1 м до 1,5 м состоит из двух частей, а елки от 1,8 м и более – из трех частей). 3. Сложите веточки на нижней части елки: 🌲 все веточки нужно поднимать вверх; 🌲 складывать веточки нужно в пределах 1 ряда вверх. 4. Снимите среднюю часть елки. 5. Разъедините нижнюю часть елки с подставкой. 6. Сложите подставку. 7. Аккуратно поместите подставку и все части елки в коробку📦 ВАЖНО: мы рекомендуем хранить елочку в коробке в стоящем положении, ведь так веточки не будут заминаться❗️ И пусть ваша красотка ждет следующего Нового года🌲
  • Какая разница между елками из ПВХ-пленки и литыми?
    Елки Литые🌲 Каждая веточка выливается в специальных формах, поэтому она максимально схожа с натуральной. Металлический ствол и основание обмотаны ПВХ-пленкой, благодаря чему елочка выглядит еще более пышной. Она не имеет дополнительных веточек из пленки-ПВХ ближе к стволу, а все веточки литые. Веточки приятные на ощупь и не мнутся, срок годности таких елок от 10 лет. А что тогда на счет елок из пленки ПВХ? Пленка, которая попадает на производство в больших рулонах – разрезается и насекается с помощью определенного оборудования, затем из нее скручиваются такие веточки и формируются уже в готовую елку, которую Вы видите на фото. Вес такой елочки будет ниже литой в средней 5 кг, а срок годности 6/7 лет. Итак, мы можем увидеть, что они разные по технологии производства. Так как елочки из пленки ПВХ легче в конечном итоге для них используется пластиковая подставка, а для литых елок – металлическая.
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